Accueil » SRF

Solid recovered fuel from recycling

Modes of processing currently in force are ranked in accordance with Framework Directive n° 2010-1579 of 17th December 2010

The PENA Group regards wastes as a new source of raw materials :

  • Our mission is to operate and develop high-performance facilities for the recycling of wastes. Our installations embody a long-term vision of urban and social ecology.
  • The Pena Group delivers a response to the French Energy Transition Law, which promotes the consumption of solid recovered fuel and the minimal burial of wastes in final waste disposal facilities.

Key objective: recyclng of the fuel element of non-hazardous wastes

SRF, a recycled material and a genuine substitute energy source

  • High and consistent calorific value: 2 tonnes of Solid Recovered Fuel can generate the equivalent in energy to 1 tonne of coal
  • Conservation of fossil fuels
  • Complete destruction of wastes
  • Prevention of the formation of dioxins and furans, associated with a specific temperature profile
  • Creation of local and non-outsourceable employment
Chaine CSR SRF

SRF and CO2 emissions

SRF is a green energy source: CO2 produced during the consumption of SRF is 46% renewable. 15% of ashes from SRF can be reincorporated in the production of cement.


overall recycling factor